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Synergistic Effects of Static Mixers on Biogranule Formation in Aerobic Textile Wastewater Treatment

Luqman Smith , Faculty Of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia


This study investigates the synergistic effects of static mixers on biogranule formation in the aerobic treatment of textile wastewater. Static mixers, commonly used in various industrial applications for their ability to enhance fluid mixing, are employed to optimize the microbial aggregation process during bioremediation. The research evaluates how different configurations and operating conditions of static mixers influence the formation, size, and stability of biogranules in aerobic reactors treating textile wastewater. Experimental results demonstrate that the enhanced mixing leads to improved microbial growth, faster substrate consumption, and more stable biogranules. The findings suggest that incorporating static mixers into aerobic systems can significantly improve the efficiency of textile wastewater treatment, offering a potential solution for the textile industry's wastewater management challenges.


Static Mixers, Biogranule Formation, Aerobic Treatment


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Luqman Smith. (2025). Synergistic Effects of Static Mixers on Biogranule Formation in Aerobic Textile Wastewater Treatment. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(02), 1–5. Retrieved from