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Automation testing to improve the quality of medical applications

Zhenis Ismagambetov , Senior QA Engineer, Publicis Sapient Arlington, VA , USA


This article identifies the primary advantages of automating the testing processes of medical applications, significantly enhancing their reliability and safety. Special attention is given to methodologies such as Total Quality Management and Plan-Do-Check-Act, as well as the application of mobile technologies in healthcare, which contribute to error minimization and improved treatment quality. The article describes a multi-stage study, including an analysis of scientific publications, experimental testing using automation tools, and statistical data processing. The study also examined the importance ranking of various quality criteria identified during the evaluation of different medical applications. The results demonstrate significant improvements in diagnostic accuracy and patient satisfaction through the use of electronic medical records and feedback systems. This article will be particularly valuable to healthcare professionals and software developers, including quality engineers and developers of medical applications, as well as researchers studying the impact of technologies on the medical industry. This work serves as a valuable resource for those aiming to enhance the quality and safety of medical services through innovative automation methods. 


Test automation, quality of medical applications, medical technologies, international standards


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Zhenis Ismagambetov. (2025). Automation testing to improve the quality of medical applications . The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(01), 19–24.