Samuel Anietie Ubong , Department of Computer and Robotics Education, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria Nseabasi Peter Essien (Ph.D) , Department of Computer and Robotics Education, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria Emmanuel Philip Ododo , Department of Computer and Robotics Education, University of Uyo, Uyo, NigeriaAbstract
The study was on development and utilization of ‘ESUB’ digital board for instructional delivery in public technical colleges in Akwa Ibom state. The purpose of this study was to develop and utilize ESUB digital board for instructional delivery in Technical Colleges in Akwa Ibom State. This study was carried out in Technical schools in Akwa Ibom state.the study was guided by three specific purpose of the study. Two designs were adopted in the study, Iterative design and descriptive survey design. The population of the study consisted of 1690 teachers and students from the nine public Technical Colleges in Akwa Ibom State, during 2021/2022 academic session. A sample of 408 comprising 39 teachers and 369 students took part in the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample size for the study. Three specific purposes and two research questions guided the study. Research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire titled “Attitude and Interest Towards Utilization of ESUB Questionnaire” (AITUEQ). The instrument was face validated by three experts. Cronbach alpha Statistics was used to determine the reliability coefficient of the instrument, which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.84. Results from the study revealed that teachers’ attitude towards utilization of ESUB software for instructional delivery in Technical Colleges in Akwa Ibom State was positive. Also students’ interest towards utilization of ESUB software for instructional delivery in Technical Colleges in Akwa Ibom State is positive. It was therefore recommended that Teachers in Technical Colleges in Akwa Ibom State should endeavour to use ESUB software for instructional delivery to enhance their performance and arouse students interest in instructional delivery process. Also, Students should be motivated by giving opportunity to interact also with the ESUB software in order to enhance interest towards the use of ESUB software for instructional delivery and to enhance their learning performance.
Development and utilization, Utilization of ESUB Questionnaire, Technical Colleges
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