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Development Of Technology To Increase Resistance Of High Chromium Cast Iron

Turakhodjaev Nodir , Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan
Saidmakhamadov Nosir , Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan
Turakhujaeva Shirinkhon , Turin Polytechnic University In Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Khaltursunov Erkin , Turin Polytechnic University In Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Turakhujaeva Azizakhon , Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan
Akramov Mukhammadali , Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


Development of the chemical composition of the charge on the basis of alloying elements for the production of stable structural high chromium cast iron and high friction of CEMCO and BARMAK crushers operating under the influence of centrifugal forces and spare parts for corrosion-resistant pumps at Navoi NMEP the issues of casting rotors operating under severe conditions were considered.

The analysis shows that it is proposed to use heat treatment and a number of similar methods to increase the service life of the product obtained by casting in the conditions of the enterprise “NMEP” of Navoi NMMP.


Crusher, rotor, pump spare parts, friction, heat treatment, temperature, charge, alloy, white cast iron


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Turakhodjaev Nodir, Saidmakhamadov Nosir, Turakhujaeva Shirinkhon, Khaltursunov Erkin, Turakhujaeva Azizakhon, & Akramov Mukhammadali. (2021). Development Of Technology To Increase Resistance Of High Chromium Cast Iron. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(03), 85–92.