Jason Yang , School of Mining and Safety Engineering, A Hui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, ChinaAbstract
Understanding the dynamic tensile deformation characteristics of deep coal rock is essential for improving the safety and efficiency of underground mining operations. This study investigates the behavior of deep coal rock under dynamic tensile loading conditions using advanced testing techniques and numerical simulations. Samples of deep coal rock were subjected to high strain rate tensile tests to observe their deformation and failure patterns. The results reveal significant insights into the tensile strength, strain rate sensitivity, and fracture mechanisms of deep coal rock. Numerical models were developed to simulate the experimental conditions, and the outcomes were validated against the experimental data. The findings demonstrate that dynamic tensile loading significantly affects the mechanical properties of deep coal rock, leading to a better understanding of its response under real-world mining conditions. This research contributes to the development of more accurate predictive models for assessing the stability and safety of deep underground coal mines.
Deep coal rock, Dynamic tensile deformation, High strain rate
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