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Determination Of Parameters Of The Separating Pipe Pneumatic Conveying System Cotton Pickers

Sattar Ramazanovich Alikulov , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department Of Agricultural Mechanization And Service, Karshi Engineering And Economic Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan


Analytical and experimental studies have determined the rational design and aerodynamic parameters of the separating pipeline for the delivery of raw cotton from the harvesting machines to the hopper of the machine. A laboratory setup and methodology for conducting laboratory tests have been developed.


Pneumatic transport, fan, absorbing, discharge pipelines, air stream, distribution,, air stream speed, rounding radii, filming


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Sattar Ramazanovich Alikulov. (2021). Determination Of Parameters Of The Separating Pipe Pneumatic Conveying System Cotton Pickers. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(03), 58–64.