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Order And Methodology For Determining Administrative-Territorial Borders Based On Digital Technologies

Musayev Ilhomjon Maksudovich , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation And Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Eshnazarov Doniyor Bakhromalievich , Basic Doctoral Student Of "Uzdaverloyiha", PhD Applicant, Uzbekistan
Manopov Khasan Valiyevich , Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Assistant Teacher, Uzbekistan


The article provides brief information on the procedure and methods of using digital technologies in determining administrative-territorial boundaries, as well as on the process of processing the results obtained using digital technologies, geodetic measuring instruments using special computer programs and cartographic methods of digital administrative control.


Digital technology, demarcation, electronic taximeter, GPS receiver, ArcGIS software, coordinates, bitmap and digital electronic map


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Musayev Ilhomjon Maksudovich, Eshnazarov Doniyor Bakhromalievich, & Manopov Khasan Valiyevich. (2021). Order And Methodology For Determining Administrative-Territorial Borders Based On Digital Technologies. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(03), 49–57.