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Receiver For Registration Of X-Ray And Ultraviolet Radiation

Donyorbek Dilshodovich Alijanov , Doctor Of Philosophy In Technical Sciences (PhD), Department Of “Alternative Energy Sources”, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan
Isroiljon Maxammatismoilovich Boltaboyev , Assistant, Department Of “Alternative Energy Sources”, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan


A self-contained receiver based on AFS-film (film with abnormal photovoltage) is described, which is hermetically sealed with a reflective hemispherical cover. X-ray or ultraviolet radiation, passing through the photosensitive layer and being reflected from the substrate, falls on the integrating cavity, that is, on the lid, then, reflected from the lid, again falls on the photosensitive layer. In this case, the efficiency of the APV film increases to 50%.


Autonomous receiver, APV-film, photosensitive layer, radiation, substrate, optoelectronic, VUP-5K,, recorder


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Donyorbek Dilshodovich Alijanov, & Isroiljon Maxammatismoilovich Boltaboyev. (2021). Receiver For Registration Of X-Ray And Ultraviolet Radiation. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(03), 23–27.