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Reliability And Resource Evaluation Of The Traction Asynchronous Motor Control System

Mirjalil Yakubov , PhD In Technical Sciences, Professor,Department Of “Electro Supply”, Tashkent State Transport University, 1, Temiryulchilar, Tashkent, 100167, Uzbekistan
Javkhar Fayzullayev , PhD, Associate Professor Department Of “Electrical Engineering”, Tashkent State Transport University, 1, Temiryulchilar, Tashkent, 100167, Uzbekistan
Ulugbek Israilov , Senior Lecturer Department Of “Electrical Engineering”, Tashkent State Transport University,1, Temiryulchilar, Tashkent, 100167, Uzbekistan


The reliability of the control system for electric rolling stock is considered using probabilities without failure of the power traction transformer of a controlled rectifier, an autonomous inverter and a traction asynchronous electric motor presented in the form of blocks, in which the failure of the entire system, which in the theory of reliability is called a series connection of elements.

An example is given of determining the probability of normal operation of an object using the method of obtaining moments from the characteristics of blocks and a given function by sequentially calculating the mathematical expectation, standard deviation, third and fourth central moments with their expansion in a Taylor series. The probabilities of not exceeding the specified values are estimated under the assumption that the characteristics of individual blocks are independent.


Electric motor, mathematical expectation, power transformer, input controlled rectifier, autonomous, feedback blocks, electric locomotives


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Mirjalil Yakubov, Javkhar Fayzullayev, & Ulugbek Israilov. (2021). Reliability And Resource Evaluation Of The Traction Asynchronous Motor Control System. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(03), 7–16.