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Peculiarities Of The Buildings Of The Cultural And Educational Center

S. A. Qodirova , Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan
L. Sh. Raximov , Assistant, Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan
K.O. Allayorov , Assistant,Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan
М. М. Sodiqov , Assistant, Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan


This article examines the history of the formation of cultural and educational centers, its social nature and architectural solutions. The volumetric plan of the structure of the cultural and educational building, its composition, opinions about the components of the building are given.


Cultural and educational center, club, volumetric solution, building, functional zones


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S. A. Qodirova, L. Sh. Raximov, K.O. Allayorov, & М. М. Sodiqov. (2021). Peculiarities Of The Buildings Of The Cultural And Educational Center. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(03), 1–6.