Thermal Insulation Of The Foundation Walls Of Buildings And Calculation Of Its Thickness
Tulakov Elmurad Salomovich , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor, Samarkand State Architecture And Civil Engineering Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan Matyokubov Bobur Pulatovich , Chief Specialist Of The Department Of Education Quality Control, Samarkand State Architecture And Civil Engineering Institute, Samarkand, UzbekistanAbstract
If the surface temperature of any building material drops sharply without changing the humidity and the surface temperature is lower than the dew point temperature, dew-like water droplets are formed on the surface of this material. This condition is called condensing humidity condition. Condensation moisture formed on the surfaces of building materials and external barriers is slowly absorbed into the body of building materials over time, increasing the relative humidity of this structure. Condensation moisture can be observed when the temperature of the surfaces of external barrier structures drops sharply. This condition can be observed everywhere where the basement is connected to the outer walls of the basement. The article deals with the issue of thermal insulation and calculation of basement walls of modern energy-efficient buildings, which are widely used in the country and abroad.
Air humidity, building material surface temperature, dew point
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