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Functional And Economic Features Of The Organization Of The System Of Public Buildings In Rural Architecture

Dildora Fayziddinovna Ubaydullaeva , Senior Lecturer, Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Construction, Uzbekistan


The article defines the types of public buildings that provide the rural population with a full range of cultural and social services. Also, when designing these buildings, 5 design methods were chosen and their functional and economic efficiency was taken into account.  Design using these techniques can save community resources as well as provide equal services to rural and urban populations.


Villages, public buildings, settlements


Ubaydullaeva D.F. “Rational organization of the network of services to the rural population of Uzbekistan” “Architecture and construction of Uzbekistan ”, magazines 2-3.2016-son, Toshkent: Gosarkhitektstroy RUz, 2016. -pp.21-22.

Nagaeva Zarema Sadykovna the author’s abstract of the dissertation of the doctor of architecture “Urban planning organization of public services of the population of Uzbekistan” Moscow: 1988.

Appendix 1 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-4947 dated 07.02.2017 “Strategy of actions on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021”. -pp.4.3

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Dildora Fayziddinovna Ubaydullaeva. (2021). Functional And Economic Features Of The Organization Of The System Of Public Buildings In Rural Architecture. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(04), 65–69.