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Application Of Logistical Principles In The Development Of Directions In The Region

Abdimurot Urokovich Kuziev , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Termiz State University, Uzbekistan
Abobakr Kholikberdievich Muratov , Lecturer, Termiz State University, Uzbekistan


At the level of international relations, system of delivery of goods by several modes of transport and from one mode of transport to another without the participation of the owner is widely used in world practice today. The article discusses the types of loads falling on the road surface from each axis of freight transport, and the fact that this situation will lead to premature wear of highways. Practically significant recommendations are also proposed for organizing multimodal transportation in domestic transportation in order to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products and reduce the congestion of highways from the traffic flow.


Transport, logistics, security


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Abdimurot Urokovich Kuziev, & Abobakr Kholikberdievich Muratov. (2021). Application Of Logistical Principles In The Development Of Directions In The Region. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(05), 143–149.