Tojiboyev Begijon Mamitjonovich , Associate Professor, Andijan Machine Building Institute, Uzbekistan Yakubjonov Fayzulloh Tursunali O‘G‘Li , Assistant Teacher, Andijan Machine Building Institute, Uzbekistan Xojimatov Umidbek Turgʻunboy Oʻgʻli , Assistant Teacher, Andijan Machine Building Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
One of the methods for improving the properties of polymer coatings is radiation treatment. It is mainly carried out by ultraviolet rays and ionizing radiation. There are several types of ionizing radiation: radiation caused by deep changes in the electron shell and the nucleus of the atom and having the nature of electromagnetic oscillations, x-ray and γ-radiation; streams of charged particles that can have both positive and negative charges.
Oscillations, -ray and γ-radiation, streams of charged
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tojiboyev Begijon Mamitjonovich, Yakubjonov Fayzulloh Tursunali O‘G‘Li, Xojimatov Umidbek Turgʻunboy Oʻgʻli

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