Pirmatov N.B. , Tashkent State Technical University Professo Pirmatov N.B Andijan Machena Bulding Instute Doktorant (Phd)Nizamov J.A Tashkent State Technical University Assistant Ergashev Sh.O, Uzbekistan Nizamov J.A. , Tashkent State Technical University Professo Pirmatov N.B Andijan Machena Bulding Instute Doktorant (Phd)Nizamov J.A Tashkent State Technical University Assistant Ergashev Sh.O, Uzbekistan Ergashev Sh.O. , Tashkent State Technical University Professo Pirmatov N.B Andijan Machena Bulding Instute Doktorant (Phd)Nizamov J.A Tashkent State Technical University Assistant Ergashev Sh.O, UzbekistanAbstract
This article considers a device for measuring the magnetic stray field of the frontal part of the squirrel-cage rotor winding of an asynchronous motor for general industrial use.
In this device for measuring the magnetic field of leakage of the frontal part of the squirrel-cage rotor winding in the bearing shield against the frontal part of the squirrel-cage rotor winding in the form of an arc, a sensor is installed with a length equal to the pole division and a radius equal to the radius of the location of the heads of the frontal parts of the squirrel-cage rotor winding of an asynchronous motor of general industrial use.
Asynchronous motor, magnetic field scattering of the frontal part, pole division
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Copyright (c) 2023 Pirmatov N.B., Nizamov J.A., Ergashev Sh.O.
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