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Damping Materials Based On "Thermoelastoplast-Thermoplast" Mixtures For The Structures Of Tractor Units

Alimjon Axmadjanovich Riskulov , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Xurshidbek Ikromovich Nurmetov , Senior Lecturer, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Murod Iskandarovich Raxmatov , Doctoral Student Of The Basic Doctoral Program Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan


This article describes the methods of creating composite functional materials for various types of car units. The physical and mechanical characteristics of these materials are also given, and graphical dependences of some indicators on the content of the selected materials are constructed. The positive effects of the use of the obtained materials are justified. In addition, some directions of creating composite materials with certain deformation and strength characteristics, which are used in shock absorbers of trucks of the unitary enterprise "Highway" under the Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Highways, are considered.


Thermoplastics, thermoplastics, polyethyruretane


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Alimjon Axmadjanovich Riskulov, Xurshidbek Ikromovich Nurmetov, & Murod Iskandarovich Raxmatov. (2021). Damping Materials Based On "Thermoelastoplast-Thermoplast" Mixtures For The Structures Of Tractor Units. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(05), 116–125.