Jalolitdin Mukhitdinov , Prof., Doc. Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan Tashkent Region, Tashkent City, Uzbekistan Ildar Sultanov , Art. Teacher, Doctoral Student, Andijan Machine Building Institute Uzbekistan Andijan Region, Andijan, UzbekistanAbstract
Distillation and rectification processes are common in the chemical, petrochemical, and food industries. All these processes are complex and very energy-intensive. Since the rectification process directly affects the quality of the final product, the problem of energy efficiency and resource saving remains relevant. The main tasks in solving this problem are mathematical modeling of the technological process, optimization of the design and technological parameters of the process based on its modernization. A special place in solving this problem is given to process management. This is explained by the nonlinearity and multiplicity of the process, nonstationarity of behavior and the influence of various disturbing influences on the process.
Rectification, process, mathematical modeling
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