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Measurement Of Sediments Of Industrial And Civil Buildings And Structures By High-Precision And Accurate Levelling Of Short Rays

Manopov Hasan Valievich , Assistant, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


To determine the height position of benchmarks and sedimentary marks, various geodetic methods are used: geometric levelling (classes I, II and III), hydrostatic levelling, stereophotogrammetric method, trigonometric levelling, etc. The article is devoted to the study of the problems of measuring the settlement of industrial and civil buildings and structures with high-precision and precise levelling of short rays.


Knowledge of the art of construction, soil mechanics, levelling marks with two horizons


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Manopov Hasan Valievich. (2021). Measurement Of Sediments Of Industrial And Civil Buildings And Structures By High-Precision And Accurate Levelling Of Short Rays. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(05), 65–71.