Alimova Zebo Xamidullayevna , Candidate of technical sciences, professor, Uzbekistan Niyazova Gulhayo Parpiyevna , Senior lecturer, Tashkent State Transport University, UzbekistanAbstract
One of the functions of the oil is to protect the surface of parts from corrosion. Corrosion becomes especially intense when the engine is operated in hot, humid climates. In this case, oil plays a double role: on the one hand, it protects the surfaces of parts from the aggressive influence of the external environment; on the other hand, the oil itself is corrosive due to the presence of corrosive substances in it.
This article presents studies of the mechanism of action of assessing the protective, surface and electrochemical properties of inhibited compounds used in the development of lubricants.
Corrosion, adsorption, films, oxidation
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