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Analysis And Calculation Of The Operating Time Of The Conveyor Transport For The Conditions Of The Angren Open Pit

Kuvandikov O.A. , Senior Lector, Tashkent State Technical University, University Street 2, Tashkent, 100095, Uzbekistan
Matkasimova Sh.Sh. , Assistant, Almalyk Branch Of Tashkent State Technical University, Mirzo Ulugbek Street 45, Almalyk, 110200, Uzbekistan
Otajonov B.O. , Assistant, Tashkent State Technical University, University Street 2, Tashkent, 100095, Uzbekistan


The article considers and solves the problem of determining the average operation period of belt conveyor rollers used for transporting overburdened rocks in the conditions of the Angren open pit. The main objective of the study is to determine the operation period of the conveyor belt rollers by considering statistical and dynamic loads on individual pieces of rock. A graph of the dependence of the service life of the belt conveyor rollers on the belt speed was obtained. Recommendations for increasing the service life of belt conveyor rollers are presented.


Cyclic Flow Technology, belt conveyor, bearings, operation period, dump conveyor


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O.A., K. ., Sh.Sh., M. ., & B.O., O. . (2021). Analysis And Calculation Of The Operating Time Of The Conveyor Transport For The Conditions Of The Angren Open Pit. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(06), 160–164.