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Calculation Of The Control Circuit Of The Internal Combustion Engine Of The Vehicle With Account For The Mechatronic Adapter Of The Oxygen Sensor

Umerov Fikret Shevket Oglu , Independent Applicant, Turin Polytechnic University In Tashkent, Department Of Mechanical Engineering And Aerospace Engineering, Uzbekistan


A control model and elements of the control system of an internal combustion engine are considered, which make it possible to adjust the fuel - air mixture in the intake depending on the operating mode of the internal combustion engine. The aim of the study is to evaluate theoretical ways to improve the performance of the control system for an internal combustion engine, allowing to improve the adjustment of the fuel-air mixture at the engine intake, depending on the mechatronic adapter of the oxygen sensor. Dosing of the amount of fuel depends on the duration and correctness of the signals supplied from the sensors of the mechatronic control system, and affects the ecology of the environment. The duration of the electric pulse of the injector control and the ignition moment are calculated by the microcontroller of the mechatronic engine control system (MSUD) depending on the sensor signals: the composition of the exhaust gases, the opening of the throttle valve, air temperature, engine temperature, engine speed, load and other sensors. The stability of the engine performance is largely determined by the speed of the mechatronic system.


Mathematical model, control system, internal combustion engine, fuel injection system, correction, ignition timing, injector response time, mechatronics exhaust gas toxicity


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Shevket Oglu , U. F. . (2021). Calculation Of The Control Circuit Of The Internal Combustion Engine Of The Vehicle With Account For The Mechatronic Adapter Of The Oxygen Sensor. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(06), 140–147.