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Understanding The Levenshtein Distance Equation For Beginners

Abdurakhmanova Umida Rustamovna , Lecturer Of The Department Of Information Technologies, Tashkent State University Of Uzbek Language And Literature Named After Alisher Navoi, An Independent Seeker Of TATU, Uzbekistan


Levenshtein Distance is a way to ascribe a numeric distance between two sequences (often characters in a string or word) by counting the minimum number of insertion, deletion and substitution operations required to transform one sequence to the other. The following article looks into the general definition, explanation and application of the theory.



Levenshtein distance equation, algorithm, string matching, spelling checking, symbol


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Umida Rustamovna, A. . (2021). Understanding The Levenshtein Distance Equation For Beginners. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(06), 134–139.