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Fractal Methodology Of In Improving The Modern Educational Process

Saida Safibullayevna Beknazarova , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Prof., Senior Teacher Tashkent University Of Information Technologies Named After Muhammad Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan
Gulshan Asrorovna Kayumova , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Prof., Senior Teacher Tashkent University Of Information Technologies Named After Muhammad Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan


This article presents the theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the formation and development of fractal pedagogy. In addition, the scientific justification of the principles of fractal pedagogy, its features and principles are considered and given. The result of the research is to determine the structure of personal and professional self-development of the teacher (motivational, design, activity-practical, reflexive, emotional volitional components).

The presented research is considered as a variant of understanding the problem of personal and professional self-development of a teacher from a new perspective. Fractal methodology applicable to the problem of self-development of the teacher can be the Foundation for various psychological and pedagogical research in their perspective.



Personal and professional self-development of the teacher, integrative educational environment, fractal methodology, self-organization, basic conceptual fractal, structural fractals, event fractals


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Beknazarova , S. S. ., & Kayumova, G. A. . . (2021). Fractal Methodology Of In Improving The Modern Educational Process. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(06), 129–133.