Creating A New Range Of Boots For Young Children
Nizom Adashaliyevich Ismatullayev , Assistant, Department Of Design And Technology Of Light Industry Products, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Uzbekistan Abrorjon Olimjon Ugli Homidjonov , Assistant, Department Of Design And Technology Of Light Industry Products, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Uzbekistan Muhayyo Ibrohimjon Qizi Tohirova , Student, Department Of Design And Technology Of Light Industry Products, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, UzbekistanAbstract
Currently, the importance is attached to small businesses and private entrepreneurship. Therefore, the purpose of my project work is to design on the basis of modern models of boots for boys without a floor with a cast sole, to develop technological processes that support modern devices that process the details of the upper and sole at different stages, based on the requirements for shoes.
Boots, model, floor boots, designer, genuine leather, cast soles, technology, shape style, wedge, sole
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