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Calculation Of The Cracking Forces Of Eccentrically Compressed Reinforced Concrete Elements Made Of Aggloporite Concrete In A Dry Hot Climate

Sattor Abdujabborovich Kholmirzaev , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Namangan Civil Engineering Institute, Uzbekistan


The article presents the results of experimental studies on the calculation of the fracture toughness of compressed reinforced concrete elements made of aggloporite, operated in a dry hot climate. Calculation formulas are indicated for determining the crack resistance of compressed reinforced concrete elements operated in areas with a dry hot climate.


Reinforced concrete, crack resistance, deformation, stress, moment of cracking, deflection, aggloporite concrete


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Kholmirzaev, S. A. . (2021). Calculation Of The Cracking Forces Of Eccentrically Compressed Reinforced Concrete Elements Made Of Aggloporite Concrete In A Dry Hot Climate. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(06), 55–58.