Automation Of Technological Processes And Development Of Robotics
Muhammadjonov Muhammadyusuf Shuxrat o'gli , Assistant, Department Of Electric Engineering, Electric Mechanics And Electric Technologies, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan Abdullayev Bekhzod Burkhonjon o'g'li , Assistant, Department Of Electric Engineering, Electric Mechanics And Electric Technologies, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
Currently, robotics is widespread in almost all areas of activity and production. The need for the use of robotic equipment is due to the need to automate production and increase its volume due to this. The purpose of this article is to consider the significance of the use of robotics in the modern world. The global economic crisis, in which there was a need to increase labour productivity, caused an increased interest in the use of robots in industry. The research was initiated to find out how to best use robots, under what conditions they are cost-effective and how to design and manage the introduction of robotics
Artificial intelligence,, , control systems
World Robotics 2018. URL:
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