Complex Processing Of Lead-Containing Technogenic Waste From Mining And Metallurgical Industries In The Urals
Khakimov Kamol Djurayevich , Independent Doctorate Student, Karshi Engineering And Technology Institute, Republic Of Uzbekistan, Karshi, Uzbekistan Eshonqulov Uchqun Kxudoynazar O’g’li , Independent Doctorate Student, Karshi Engineering And Technology Institute, Republic Of Uzbekistan, Karshi, Uzbekistan Amanov Tolib Sirozhevich , Uzbek Institute Of Geotechnical And Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Research And Project Search “O’zgeorangmetliti” Engineer Of The Mining Department Of The State Unitary Enterprise, Uzbekistan Umirzoqov Azamat Abdurashidovich , PhD scholar of the department of Mining, Tashkent City, 100095, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, UzbekistanAbstract
The current economic situation forces copper smelters to refuse to process man-made waste (slags, dusts, cakes, etc.). Lead-and zinc-containing solid waste accumulates in significant quantities on the territory of factories, in so-called “temporary " dumps, and is often stored on the sites of enterprises. Attempts to sell lead-containing industrial products encounter difficulties related to low prices on the part of lead monopolists, problems with the preparation and transportation of industrial products, environmental and other restrictions.
technicsogen waste,, economic effective
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