Method Of Assessing The Bending Resistance Of Yarns In Suit Folding Fabrics
Mirjamol Mirkarimovich Mirxojayev , Doctor Of Philosophy In Technical Sciences (Phd), Department Of Metrology, Standardization And Quality Management, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
The article develops an algorithm for assessing the bending resistance of yarns of suit embroidered fabrics, on the basis of which the theory of displacement of cross-sections of the free part of the yarn is determined experimentally by the bending stiffness of Arqaq yarns with different weaving and fiber content. The reasons for the appearance of various irregularities on the surface of the suit are shown. It was found that the properties of Tanda and Arqaq yarns depend on the natural properties of the fibers, their length, the technological properties given during the spinning process.
Folding fabric, , geometric shape,
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