Increasing The Yield Of Raw Silk Based On The Study Of Reducing The Anisotropy Of The Cocoon Shell
Sanat Sunnatovich Khaydarov , Assistant, Department Of Silk Technology, Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, Uzbekistan Nigora Murtozayevna Islambekova , Professor, Department Of Silk Technology, Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, Uzbekistan Nuriddin Muxiddin ogli Muxiddinov , Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, Uzbekistan Nargiza Fayzullayevna Rasulova , Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, UzbekistanAbstract
In the research work, it was proved that the silk yield depends on the hybrid, weight, hardness, size and thickness of the cocoon shell of the silkworm.
At the same time, it has been studied that the initial processing modes of the cocoon, storage, sorting, evaporation of the cocoons and spinning of the cocoons have a great impact on the output of raw silk. The thickest part of the cocoons is the waist, which varies from 0,14 mm to 0,45 mm. These figures also indicate the anisotropy of the cocoon shell. In order to reduce the anisotropy of the cocoons, we found a noionogenic SАM to obtain the solution and process the cocoons. We prepared different concentrations from the obtained SАM and studied their absorption into the cocoon shell. As a result, in the study, it was found that the cocoons were treated with a 0,1% SAM solution to determine the wetting and permeability properties, which improved the yield of raw silk. As a result of cocoon processing, the output of raw silk increased by 4.36% compared to control, the output of silk increased by 3,37%, and the output of cocoon skin decreased by 2,27%. The specific consumption of cocoons was 2,76 kg.
raw silk, , boiler
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