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Analysis Of Tanda Yarn Fiber Quality Indicators In Cotton Yarn Hardened Fabric Production

Mirjamol Mirkarimovich Mirxojayev , Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), Department of Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Jamshid Fakhriddin ogli Ergashev , Assistant, Department Of Metrology, Standardization And Quality Management, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan


This article analyzes the indicators in determining the quality of cotton fiber in the production of cotton yarn. For the analysis and research, we used the characteristics of the fiber of the selection cotton varieties, which differ sharply in terms of indicators. The system calibration procedure is used to determine the fiber quality. Differences in fiber performance in equipment have been found to affect the quality of yarn in spinning mills. An analysis of the theory of factors influencing tissue virility is presented. It is shown that the differential equations of the yarn, in which the law of deformation of linear and nonholonomic bonds remains linear, are nonlinear.


Cotton yarn, , Hardened fabric


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Mirjamol Mirkarimovich Mirxojayev, & Jamshid Fakhriddin ogli Ergashev. (2020). Analysis Of Tanda Yarn Fiber Quality Indicators In Cotton Yarn Hardened Fabric Production. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(09), 82–85.