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Development Of Effective Technology Of Cotton Cleaning

Djamolov Rustam , Candidate Of Technical Sciences Of JSC "Pakhtasanoat Scientific Center", Tashkent City, Uzbekistan
Sheraliyev Sherzodjon , Junior Scientific Worker Of JSC” Pakhtasanoat Scientific Center ", Tashkent City, Uzbekistan
Turaeva Shakhlo , The teacher of Mathematics at school 34 of Shaykhontohur District of Tashkent City, Uzbekistan


The article provides an analysis of scientific work done to improve the cleaning efficiency of ginners. The result is based on the effect of the cross-sectional shape of the columns on the cleaning efficiency when cleaning cotton from large contaminants.

The analysis of the grate grate concludes that additional shaking of the raw material in the cleaning zone is necessary to increase the cleaning efficiency.



Oven, grille


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Djamolov Rustam, Sheraliyev Sherzodjon, & Turaeva Shakhlo. (2020). Development Of Effective Technology Of Cotton Cleaning. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(09), 27–31.