Improving Calendar Modeling Of Array Construction Typical Low-Rise Buildings By Flow Method
Yusupova Lobar Sidiqovna , Doctoral Student, Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, 100000, Navoi St., 13, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Mirakhmedov Makhamadjon , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Prof., Tashkent State University Of Transport, 100167, St.Adylkhodzhaeva, 1, Tashkent , UzbekistanAbstract
Population growth, the compact location of villages and towns around cities, the creation of jobs on
their territory makes the construction of affordable housing in rural areas relevant. In order to
improve project management, in particular, to create a single platform that unites the efforts of
construction participants and further reduce the cost of projects, a methodology has been proposed
for developing a schedule for the construction of a complex consisting of an array of residential
buildings, social infrastructure and linearly extended structures. The resulting schedule can be used
to conclude contracts between construction participants and clarify financing schedules, start and
end dates of stages, supply of material and technical resources to the construction site.
Affordable housing, scheduling
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