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Ways Of Foam Concrete Production Development

Abdullaev U.M. , Doctoral Student, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
Abdullaev I.N. , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


The given article provides a brief overview of the literature on the history of the development of foam concrete in the industry of building materials and products. The results of work carried out by foreign and domestic researchers on the production and improvement of the technical properties of foam concrete are presented.

The results of studying the composition of lime sludge waste from the production of chemical fertilizers are presented. The analysis of the chemical composition of CaCo3, Ca (OH) 2, NaOH, Na2CO3, MgO, non-solvent substances in water, moisture in lime sludge is presented. The percentage was studied in order to use lime waste as a secondary raw material for fine aggregate in the production of aerated concrete and aerated concrete.


Foam concrete, foaming agent, cellular concrete


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Abdullaev U.M., & Abdullaev I.N. (2021). Ways Of Foam Concrete Production Development. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(7), 9–14. Retrieved from