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Sulphation Of N-Alkyl Anilines With Oleum

Safarov Bahri Zhumaevich , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; (Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute) Uzbekistan
Mambetsheripova Azhagul Abdiganieva , Doctor Of Philosophy (PhD) Associate Professor (Karakalpak State University Named After Berdak) Uzbekistan


In this article, we can conclude that oleum with a high content of sulfur dioxide should be used for sulfation to increase the content of practically valuable m-isomers in mixtures. However, oleum containing 33-54% free SO3 is practically unsuitable for sulfonation due to its high crystallization temperature. In addition, high resin content has been reported in oleum containing over 50% free SO3 when mixed with H-alkylanilines.


N-Alkylanilines, Sulfonation, Sulfonation Mixtures, M-Isomers, Mercaptan


Studies of the sulfonation of H-alkylanilines and sulfates of H-alkylanilines with oleum of various concentrations showed that the isomeric composition of the resulting sulfonation mixtures changes depending on the acidity of the sulfonating agent and the basicity of the H-alkylaniline. This indicates the occurrence of the sulfonation reaction with both the protonated and the non-protonated form of H-alkylaniline in equilibrium with it, the proportion of which varies with the acidity of the medium.

The study of the kinetics of sulfonation of H-alkylaniline sulfates with oleums of various concentrations showed that the sulfonating particle in oleums can be HSO3 + or and H2S2O7 + ions. The transition state consists of a non-protonated or protonated H-alkylaniline molecule, a sulfuric anhydride molecule, a proton, and possibly a sulfuric acid molecule.


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Safarov Bahri Zhumaevich, & Mambetsheripova Azhagul Abdiganieva. (2021). Sulphation Of N-Alkyl Anilines With Oleum. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(11), 1–10.