Application Of Fuzzy Logic To Control The Process Of Natural Gas Drying
A.A. Abdukadirov , Department Automation Of Production Processes, Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan B.U. Shomirzaev , Senior Lecturer Of The Department Of Automation Of Machine-Building Process, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
The article is devoted to the development of an imitation fuzzy model of the natural gas drying process during its preparation for transportation. To solve the problem, adaptive means of automatic control have been proposed, which will almost completely compensate for the change in the parameters of the gas drying process. The paper proposes methods and models of optimal adaptive control aimed at increasing the efficiency of gas drying. The use of the proposed model allows parametric and structural optimization of production in order to improve the quality of gas drying.
Simulation model, gas dehydration, absorption
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B.U.Shomirzaev Аpplication of fuzzy logic in the gas transportation control system
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