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Wet Method Dust Gas Cleaning Device

Karimov Ikromali Tojimatovich , Doctor Of Technical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
Kochkarov Bobirmirzo Ulugbekovich , Assistant, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic Of Uzbekistan


The article studies the design and principles of operation of wet dust collectors widely used in industry, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages, and also develops a new design of cone-mesh wet dust collectors. As a result of the theoretical studies carried out, equations were derived that calculate the total pressure lost during the transfer of dusty air into the device and the dispersion of liquid from the nozzle. Depending on the total pressure supplied to the device by dusty gases and liquids, it is possible to determine the efficiency of cleaning dusty air.


Dusty Gas, Wet Method, Liquid, Mesh Drum, Electric Motor, Pulley, Belt, Support, Water Tank


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Karimov Ikromali Tojimatovich, & Kochkarov Bobirmirzo Ulugbekovich. (2021). Wet Method Dust Gas Cleaning Device. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(10), 20–26.