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Analysis Of Drilling Speed Of Cine Drill Bits

Bakhtiyor Nusratovich Baratov , Tashkent State Technical University Named After I.Karimov. Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Javokhir Buriyevich Toshov , Tashkent State Technical University Named After I.Karimov. Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The article discuss methods of the calculating speed of drilling with cone bits and compare with the real drilling speed on the mine. The methods of determining the drilling speed of different researchers are considered. The method of calculating the speed with the most approximate indicators from the practical drilling indicators is studied. A table of comparisons of drilling speed indicators determined by formulas and by reference is compiled.


Drill Bit, Speed Of Drilling, Axial Load, Rotation Speed, Rock Strength


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Bakhtiyor Nusratovich Baratov, & Javokhir Buriyevich Toshov. (2021). Analysis Of Drilling Speed Of Cine Drill Bits. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(10), 10–15.