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Change Of Physiological And Biochemical Properties Of Plant Raw Materials During Thermal Preparation Before Extraction

Gafurov K.Kh. , Associate Professor, Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Uzbekistan


The article discusses the issues of thermal treatment of petals of oil-containing stone fruit crops with infrared rays in order to prepare them for extraction. It has been established that with intermittent infrared heat treatment, the temperature of the material does not rise above 580C,, which contributes to the preservation of all useful substances in the composition of the material: lipids, proteins, vitamins, etc. The moisture content of the material will be within 7%. The penetration of infrared rays deep into the material creates conditions for the destruction of the cell walls of plant material, which creates favorable opportunities for direct extraction.


Petals of the cores of fruit seeds, infrared irradiation, plant material cell, heat treatment, extraction


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Gafurov K.Kh. (2020). Change Of Physiological And Biochemical Properties Of Plant Raw Materials During Thermal Preparation Before Extraction. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(11), 197–205.