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Problems Of Implementation Of Semiconductored Leds For Fishery Lighting Devices

Olimov Lutfiddin Omanovich , Professor, Dc physical and mathematical Andijan Machine-Building institute, Uzbekistan
Yusupov Abdurashid Khamidillaevich , Doctoral student Andijan Machine-Building institute, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the laws of propagation of light rays from various sources of optical radiation in
the aquatic environment, spectral characteristics and the results of scientific research on their
application in the fishing industry, in particular in lighting devices for fishing. It was shown that a
change in the spectral photosensitivity of semiconductor white light Light-emitting diodes (LED)s
provides practical assistance to the growth of functional systems of fish and their larvae,
reproduction and development of aquatic plants, bacteria, detritus and benthos.


Semiconductor LED, light source, luminous intensity, light spectrum, power source, energy saving, voltage, current, power


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Olimov Lutfiddin Omanovich, & Yusupov Abdurashid Khamidillaevich. (2020). Problems Of Implementation Of Semiconductored Leds For Fishery Lighting Devices. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(11), 189–196.