Methods Of Dimensional Finishing Of Stamps From Steel Type Х12ф1
Umarova Mavludaxon Nazirovna , Ph.D., Associate Professor, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan Хakimov Nodir Nurulloyevich , Assistant,Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan, AndijanAbstract
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Currently, the most commonly used process in metalworking is cold stamping of metals. This process involves the production of a large number of parts per unit of time and minimal consumption. The topic covered in the process is dedicated to improving the accuracy of stamps.
This article examines the dimensional annealing process of X12Ф1 grade steel. Due to the high content of carbide phase in the steel grade X12Ф1, its mechanical strength is lower. Therefore, X12Ф1 steel is used for the manufacture of tools that are less important, but simpler in construction. Therefore, the introduction of the optimal option of annealing methods in the heat treatment of steel grade X12 allows to obtain tools of complex shape from this type of steel.
Cold stamping, abrasion, tempering and tempering temperature, heating, spinnerets
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