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Determination Of Line Tension Insurance Belts With Additional Shock Absorber

Munisa Mansurova Anvarovna , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Of The Department Of Design And Technology Of Garments, Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Fatima Nigmatova Usmanovna , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor Of The Department Of Design And Technology Of Garments, Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Gulchexra Ulkanbayeva Dilshatovna , Senior Lecturer Of The Department Of Design And Technology Of Garments, Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry,Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The article presents a diagram of the recommended design of a safety harness with an additional shock absorber. The principle of operation of the safety device is given. A method is proposed for calculating the tension of the harness sling. Using the balance of forces, a formula is derived to determine the tension of the sling. Graphical dependences of the change in the tension of the sling on the change in the coefficient of stiffness of the shock absorbers and on the force of the worker’s weight at different angles of inclination of the sling to the horizontal axis are constructed, the main parameters of the safety belt are substantiated.


Bracing device, Vest, Buckle, Gas canister, Backrest, Carabiner, Vibration, Stiffness


USSR author's certificate No. 1498506, class. A 62 B 35/00, 09/10/87

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Munisa Mansurova Anvarovna, Fatima Nigmatova Usmanovna, & Gulchexra Ulkanbayeva Dilshatovna. (2020). Determination Of Line Tension Insurance Belts With Additional Shock Absorber. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(11), 179–184.