Justification Of The Need For Selective Development Of The Phosphorite Reservoir By Horizontal Milling Combines
Khayitov Odiljon G’ofurovich , Candidate Of Geological And Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head Of The Department "Mining", 100095, Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, University Street, 2, Tashkent State Technical University Umirzoqov Azamat Abdurashidovich , Phd Scholar Of The Department Of Mining, 100095, Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Murodbekov Ulugbek Furqat Ugli , 4M-19 Group Master, Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Tashkent City, Uzbekistan Abduraimov Abrorjon Xonmakon Ugli , 5M-19group Master, Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Tashkent City, UzbekistanAbstract
Based on the development of the Dzheroy-Sardarinsky reservoir Deposit of granular phosphorites, technological features of the use of horizontal milling combines of various types and manufacturers are revealed. The selective development and implementation of the scheme of mining operations, which allows to increase production efficiency by intensifying the use of mining and transport equipment, is justified. The areas of application of the developed schemes are determined taking into account the mining and geological conditions of the field development and the design and technical parameters of the equipment used.
Quarry, Deposit, phosphorites, milling conveyor, mining operations, rock, formation, drilling equipment, rock mass
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