Improving The Reliability Of Vehicles Using Automatic Engine Control Systems
Dilshodbek Narimonovich Rasulov , Senior Teacher, Аndijаn Mаchine Building Institute, Uzbekistan Nurillo Avazbekovich Ikromov , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Аndijаn Mаchine Building Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
To ensure the performance of the main function of the car - the transportation of goods and passengers, it is necessary to increase the reliability of vehicles. On newly developed car models, they are additionally beginning to install completely non-traditional on-board automatic systems, which include: driver information system with microprocessor support; satellite navigation and search system; radar and ultrasonic systems for car protection from collisions and theft; systems for increasing the safety and comfort of people in the cabin; cruise control system; electronic card system; multiplex electrical wiring.
Engine, electronic control system, onboard, circuit, motor, gasoline, diesel, injection, sensor, microprocessor
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