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The Prospects Of The Construction Of Hydroelectric Power Plants In Uzbekistan And The Issues Of Increasing Their Number And Widespread Use

Azamov Saidikrom Saidmurodovich , Assistant Of The Department Of Alternative Energy Sources, Andijan Institute Of Mechanical Engineering, Uzbekistan


The article discusses the use of hydroelectric power plants in Uzbekistan, ways to improve them and the requirements for modern hydroelectric power plants, the construction of small power plants and their widespread use.


Renewable energy sources, energy, pressure, small hydropower, diesel, generator, turbine,, exhaust manifold, watercourse, dam.


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Azamov Saidikrom Saidmurodovich. (2020). The Prospects Of The Construction Of Hydroelectric Power Plants In Uzbekistan And The Issues Of Increasing Their Number And Widespread Use. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(11), 118–121.