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Accounting For Non-Linear Work Of Reinforced Concrete In The Algorithms Of Calculation And Design Of Structures

A.T.Mirzaahmedov , Dots., Ferghana polytechnic institute, Uzbekistan
S.G'.G'ulomiddinov , Ferghana polytechnic institute, Uzbekistan


An algorithm is developed for calculating rod systems taking into account the nonlinear work of reinforced concrete. The calculation is based on the nonlinear theory of reinforced concrete.


Reinforced concrete, accounting, Algorithms


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A.T.Mirzaahmedov, & S.G'.G'ulomiddinov. (2020). Accounting For Non-Linear Work Of Reinforced Concrete In The Algorithms Of Calculation And Design Of Structures. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(11), 54–66.