Information About Transformer Oils
Zokirova Irodakhon Zakrullaevna, , Lecturers Of The Department Of Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics And Electrotechnology, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan Nuriddinov Nasimjon Akhadkhonovich, , Lecturers Of The Department Of Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics And Electrotechnology, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan Nuregdiyev Mamatyusuf Mamatkarimovich , Lecturers Of The Department Of Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics And Electrotechnology, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
The development of the electric power industry and electrical machine building is associated with the use of a wide range of electrical insulating materials. The intensive development of science and technology requires the complication and improvement of the conditions set for electrical insulation. Based on the above, in order to increase the operating time of all oil electrical equipment working in the power system and have detailed information about the transformer oils to be poured and the requirements for them. The main task is to determine the requirements of standards for electrical insulating materials and compliance with technical conditions and it is advised to check by testing on the basis of regulatory documents of the quality indicators filled in them and to maintain constant control of oil equipment during operation.
Oil lubrication device, Transformer oil, Oil quality, Regulations, Norms, GOST
Instruction for use of transformer oils RH 34-301-633: 2006
Liquid electrical insulating materials. Electrical methods tests GOST 6581-75 (ST SEV 3166-81). Standards Publishing House, 1986
Petroleum products. Methods for determining the presence of water-soluble acids and alkalis. GOST 6307-75. Standards Publishing House, 1984
Reference book on electrical materials (1) "Energy" Moscow 1974
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