Catalytic Synthesis Of Lower Olefins From Methanol And Dimethyl Ether
Sh.Ch.Aslanov , Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex LLC, Uzbekistan A.Q.Buxorov , Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex LLC, Uzbekistan N. I. Fayzullaev , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor, Samarkand State University, UzbekistanAbstract
Currently, the main source of feedstock for the production of lower olefins is oil. The implementation of the sequential change "CH4 → CH3OH → lower olefins" allows us to consider natural gas as an alternative raw material for the production of expensive raw materials for petrochemicals-ethylene and propylene. The most promising catalysts for converting methanol to olefins are crystalline microporous silicoaluminophosphates (SAPO-34 and SAPO-18) With a chabazite structure and high siliceous zeolites (HSZ) synthesized from kaolin. Despite the existence of industrial processes for converting methanol using HSZ to olefins, the improvement of these catalysts is an urgent task in order to increase the selectivity and stability of the operation of ethylene and propylene. Therefore, we conducted the process of producing ethylene and propylene from methanol by incorporating metals of various nature from natural kaolin to HSZ. The purpose of this work is to study the effect of the nature and amount of the introduced metal on the physicochemical and catalytic properties of the HSZ.
Alternative fuel, catalysts, economical use of natural gas, high siliceous zeolites, low-carbon, natural gas
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