The General Structure Of The Microprocessor
Oybek Bakhtiyorjon ogli Parpiev , Assistant, “EEE” Chair, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
Synchronous motors used by the technological process in the production of industrial enterprises are considered to be the organ of mechanical drives of pipe compressors. When high-voltage, high-power motors are excited by the automatic control method, the setting nominal excitation current is maintained, and when such equipment is operated, a high energy saving is achieved.
Such problems are the problems of the quarry and the demand for production. When solving these problems, the replacement of inefficient tristor excitatory devices with effective microprocessor exciters is set forth in the report of the master's thesis.
Tiristor, mikroprosessor, energy, resources savings, capacitance energy, stirrer-up.
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