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Guides Development For The Female`S Outerwear Models Collection, Taking Into Account The Operational Property Features Of Knitted Fabrics

Nargiza Nabidjanova , Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan


The article presents the theoretical and practical research results on many female's outer knitwear models collections development made from polycomponent raw materials.


Proportion, color, texture, ornament, collection, range of material, extensible, low stretch, multicomponent, raw


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Nabidjanova NN Development of technologies and design of a new assortment of cotton-silk verxnix knitted products: author. dis… kand. techn. science / N.N.Nabidjanova.- Tashkent: TITLP, 2008.-19 p.

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CSLKFI - Cotton, silk, lycra knitted fabric

CDMDII - Clothing design, modeling and design

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Nargiza Nabidjanova. (2020). Guides Development For The Female`S Outerwear Models Collection, Taking Into Account The Operational Property Features Of Knitted Fabrics. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(11), 13–18.