Production Of Heavy Oil Products From Oil Sludge At Atmospheric Pressure
Nodir Sharifovich Yakhyaev , Doctoral Student Of The Bukhara Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Bukhara City, Uzbekistan Abror Akbarovich Aliev , Deputy Director Of The Institute Of General And Inorganic Chemistry Of The Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
Technology for producing petroleum products based on oil sludge, the method of heat treatment of oil-containing waste at atmospheric pressure was used. The resulting cubic residues of oil sludge processing were tested for compliance with GOST 22245-90 and GOST 9812-74. The dependence of the qualitative indicators of cubic residues on the oxidation time is presented. Depending on the oxidation time, the physical and mechanical characteristics of bitumen can significantly change.
Petroleum products, oil sludge, cubic residues
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